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5332-JLM Crémier 1-Photoroom a

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54338-HC Ostend Vase_wp

Model of Flemish Tobacco Jar in Liebaert Museum at Ostend Continuer la lecture

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54324-RSH Norwegian Bucket ( P1020153a)_wp

Model of Norwegian Bucket Continuer la lecture

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54324-RSH Norwegian Bucket ( P1020115a)_wp

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5332-JLM Crémier 1_wp

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54456-JLM Wareham bottle_wpc

Model of roman bottle found at Wareham Continuer la lecture

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54225-JLM Hunstanton ewer_wpc

Model of ancient ewer found on Hunstanton Estate Continuer la lecture

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54174-HC Fountains Abbey Cup_wpc

The Abbots cup from the original at Fountains Abbey Continuer la lecture

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54296-HC Maltese Funeral Urn_wpc

Model of Maltese funeral urn (circa 600 B.C.) found in Rock Tombs, Malta Continuer la lecture

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54375-JLM Roman Vase_wpc

Model of roman vase found at Atwick near Hornsea Continuer la lecture

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